Folding Mobility Scooter Buyer's Guide

If this is your first time shopping for a folding mobility scooter it may seem a little intimidating. With so many distinct brands, models, and features available it can be challenging to narrow down the right folding handicap scooter for you. With that in mind, we made this guide to folding mobility scooters to help make the process a little easier. We will walk you through what a folding mobility scooter is, features and details to consider when purchasing a folding scooter and highlight some of the popular models available.


What is a Folding Mobility Scooter?

Folding mobility scooters, also referred to as folding travel scooters are lightweight scooters with a foldable design that are easy to transport. Folding mobility scooters do not require an additional vehicle lift and are able to fit in the trunks or backseats of most vehicles. These portable and easy to operate scooters take no effort to fold and unfold, some fold with just the touch of a button. Designed for people with mobility challenges that need just a little extra help getting around folding scooters are great for day-to-day activities. The typical folding mobility scooter weighs around 50 lbs. or less and can be easily loaded into a trunk or backseat for a quick trip out. Where the folding mobility scooter really shines is travel.

Being the smallest style of mobility scooter makes folding scooters ideal for use on cruise ships, on trains, and in hotels. Many models are even airline approved, meaning you can take it on the plane with you*. Folding mobility scooters give the user an additional level of freedom that might not be able to be achieved with a full-sized scooter. With a folding mobility scooter traveling is not just possible, it’s fun and easy! Limited mobility does not have to limit your fun. Take a folding mobility scooter with you on your next vacation and enjoy your trip without worry. With your folding mobility scooter, shopping malls, theme parks, restaurants, museums, zoos, ball games and anywhere else you can think of are all available to you. Get out there and have fun!

The convenience of a folding mobility scooter is simply unbeatable. These compact scooters are easy to store and travel with. Easily fold your scooter down to the size of a suitcase and take it with you wherever you go. When you are ready to ride, effortlessly unfold your mobility scooter and get going! Travel easily and freely with a folding mobility scooter.

*Every airline has different regulations. Check with your airline before traveling.


What are the types of folding mobility scooters?

Folding mobility scooters can be divided into two primary types: automatic folding scooters and manual folding scooters. An automatic folding mobility scooter, also referred to as an auto folding mobility scooter, can fold and unfold with the use of a remote control and does not require any physical effort from the user. This is particularly helpful for those who may have limited strength or might have difficulty kneeling or bending to manually fold the scooter. Manual folding mobility scooters require the user to physically fold and unfold the scooter. Although this takes more effort than folding an automatic folding scooter it is usually accomplished in just a few simple steps. Both manual and automatic folding mobility scooters are an excellent choice for traveling both on long trips, such as flights or cruises, or just a quick day trip to the mall.


What is the Best Folding Mobility Scooter?

While it would be nice to be able to declare one folding mobility scooter the “best” there is not a one size fits all answer to the question. Everyone has unique needs that require an individualized answer. Even though all folding scooters function very similarly they all have specific characteristics that can vary greatly. This might be a single minor detail to one person but a key factor to another when deciding on a folding mobility scooter. When making your decision there are some questions and considerations to take into account. Where will I be using my folding mobility scooter? You may need a mobility scooter for an upcoming trip. If you’re traveling by plane, you will probably want a folding mobility scooter that is more compact and FAA-approved for safe travel. If you are planning for a cruise a folding mobility scooter with a tight turning radius is a good choice. A folding scooter can also be used for everyday tasks like shopping. In that case, you might be able to use a folding scooter that is a little larger, depending on the size of your vehicle’s trunk space.

How long will you be using your folding mobility scooter for at a time? The travel range of your mobility scooter can be an important feature to take into account. For quick excursions to the store, a longer travel range is not as important as it would be if you are going on a tour and plan to be out for an extended period.

Weight capacity and seat dimensions are important specifications to look for. You want to be sure the folding mobility scooter can accommodate you and provide a comfortable ride. The weight of the folding mobility scooter is also especially important. Be sure that you, or someone assisting you, are capable of lifting and carrying your folding mobility scooter.

How do you plan to transport your folding scooter? Make sure you know the dimensions of your folding mobility scooter to ensure will fit in the space you intend to transport or store it. Some folding mobility scooters are small enough to fit in the overhead compartment on an airplane, while others require a bit more space. As with any major purchase, the price must also be considered when shopping for folding mobility scooters. By partnering with the best brands in the industry we are able to offer high-quality folding mobility scooters that can fit any budget. We also have multiple financing options available.

Top Rated Folding Mobility Scooters

Folding mobility scooters are designed for convenience and portability. With many models being able to fit the trunk of a car they let you enjoy your mobility wherever you go, without the need for a vehicle lift. Now that you have a better understanding of foldable scooters, let us take a look at some of our most popular folding mobility scooters.


ATTO Folding Mobility Scooter

atto folding mobility scooter

An excellent choice for a manual handicap scooter, the ATTO Folding Mobility Scooter has a sleek, modern design and is packed with features. One of the most amazing things about the ATTO folding scooter is that it is a full-size scooter, but it folds down to the size of a suitcase in just a few seconds! The ATTO mobility scooter can also split into two compact pieces when folded for additional storage options. Air travel is a breeze with the ATTO Folding Mobility Scooter thanks to its compact size and being airline approved for safe travel. Six travel speeds give you precise control over how fast you go. The ATTO folding scooter even includes an onboard USB charging port.

Learn more about the ATTO Folding Mobility Scooter and get yours here.


Transformer Automatic Folding Mobility Scooter

transformer folding mobility scooter

One of the most popular auto-folding disability scooters today, the Transformer Automatic Folding Mobility Scooter folds and unfolds with just the touch of a button. The Transformer Scooter’s remote control makes folding and unfolding your mobility scooter as easy as changing the channel on your television. In the event you forget or misplace your remote the Transformer Automatic Folding Scooter can be manually folded and unfolded with an easy-to-operate release bar on the deck of the mobility scooter. The Transformer Folding Mobility Scooter is airline approved and with its aluminum alloy frame is lightweight while being able to support up to 300 pounds.

Learn more about the Transformer Automatic Folding Mobility Scooter and get yours here.


Transport AF+ Folding Mobility Scooter

transport af+ folding mobility scooter

Lightweight and airline approved the Transport AF+ Folding Scooter is great for travel. The Transport AF+ automatically folds and unfolds using the remote key fob control. Misplace your remote? Buttons on the rear of the scooter will also allow you to automatically fold and unfold the Transport AF+ Folding Mobility Scooter. The Transport AF+ is technically a 4 wheel folding mobility scooter but because the front wheels are set close together it has a tighter turning radius than other 4 wheel scooters. This gives you the stability of a 4-wheel scooter with the turning radius of a 3 wheel mobility scooter. If you are looking to save a little money the Transport Plus Folding Scooter is a manual folding scooter that has many of the same great features as the Transport AF+ Folding Mobility Scooter.

Learn more about the Transport AF+ Folding Scooter and get yours here.

Check out the Transport Plus Folding Mobility Scooter here.


Buzzaround CarryOn 4 Wheel Travel Scooter

buzzaround carryon folding mobility scooter

Designed to take up minimal storage space the Buzzaround CarryOn Folding Mobility Scooter is ideal for everyday travels, such as trips to the store. The Buzzaround CarryOn is a manual folding mobility scooter with a 300 lbs. weight capacity and a standard 15 AH battery that has a maximum driving range of 18 miles on a full charge. A smaller airline-approved travel battery is also available. To transport or store the Buzzaround CarryOn remove the seat then fold down and lock the seat frame and tiller. Once folded the Buzzaround Folding Mobility Scooter has a height of only 12 inches, making it easy to fit the trunk of a vehicle or under a bed for storage.

Learn more about the Buzzaround CarryOn 4 Wheels Travel Scooter and get yours here.


Titan 4 XL Folding Mobility Scooter

titan xl 4 folding mobility scooter

Despite its rugged looking design the Titan 4 XL Folding Mobility Scooter is a highly portable manual folding mobility scooter While it is the largest folding mobility scooter we have available the Titan 4 can fold down quickly and easily for transport and storage. When folded the Titan 4 XL Folding Scooter can be disassembled into two sections with no tools required. The outdoors is where the Titan 4 really shines. Large rear tires, a full suspension, and 3.9-inch ground clearance provide a stable and comfortable ride. The Titan 4 Folding Mobility Scooter performs great on inclines and uneven terrain.

Learn more about the Titan 4 XL and get yours here.



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