What is a Bariatric Power Wheelchair?

Bariatric Power Wheelchairs, or bariatric power chairs, are motorized wheelchairs that feature the highest weight capacity available. These high-weight capacity power wheelchairs are designed to fit the needs of individuals with larger body types who are experiencing mobility challenges. In addition to being able to support higher weights than other types of power wheelchairs, bariatric power wheelchairs also have larger-sized seating options than standard power chairs. Many bariatric patients worry about having to settle for a power chair that is too small and uncomfortable for their mobility needs, but with a bariatric power wheelchair, they can have the mobility and comfort they deserve.

A bariatric power wheelchair will typically have a strong, reinforced frame and a more powerful motor than a standard power chair. These features allow a bariatric power chair to handle high weights and also make them durable and long-lasting. Despite having heavier frames, bariatric power wheelchairs do not sacrifice any of their maneuverability. Using the same style of joystick control as smaller electric wheelchairs, the bariatric electric wheelchairs are just as easy to operate and have the tight radius that users expect from their motorized wheelchairs. The enhanced motors allow the bariatric power wheelchairs to perform great both indoors and outdoors.

Bariatric electric wheelchairs offer the same maneuverability and ease of use as standard electric wheelchairs with more powerful motors and comfortable seating, all in a heavy-duty package that is built to last. With many custom options available you can tailor your bariatric power chair to fit your personal needs and preferences. You can personalize your power wheelchair even further with our wide offering of power wheelchair accessories.

Stay active and enjoy every day with a new bariatric power wheelchair for Top Mobility! If you have questions about which power wheelchair is right for you our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always happy to help you.



What is the best Bariatric Power Wheelchair?

The best bariatric power wheelchair will differ from person to person. While all bariatric power chairs have high weight capacities, some have higher capacities than others. For example, all our bariatric power wheelchairs can support over 400 pounds, but certain models can support up to 600 pounds. Knowing that the power wheelchair you are considering can accommodate your weight is an extremely important factor in deciding which bariatric power wheelchair is best for you. You will also want to consider what size seat will be most comfortable for you. Most bariatric power chairs have multiple seating options to choose from. Other factors that might help you find the best bariatric power wheelchair for you include driving range, top speed, and turning radius. We list all specifications on the product page of every power wheelchair to make sure you have all the information available to help you decide on the best bariatric power wheelchair.



Top Bariatric Power Wheelchairs

Bariatric power chairs feature high weight capacities, heavy-duty frames, powerful motors, and wider seats. Now let’s take a look at some of the top-rated bariatric power wheelchairs we have for sale.



Atlantis Heavy-Duty Power Wheelchair

atlantis power wheelchair

A popular choice for a bariatric power wheelchair, the Atlantis Heavy Duty Electric Wheelchair by Merits Health has a stylish design and can support up to 600 pounds. The Atlantis power wheelchair can travel up to 32 miles on a single charge and has a maximum speed of 5 miles per hour. The high-powered in-line motors of the Atlantis power chair allow it to easily handle inclines of 10 degrees, which is twice that of ADA-compliant ramps. An extra wide seat and extra high seat offer better support for obese users. The armrests of the Atlantis power wheelchair are both vertically and horizontally adjustable for additional comfort. You can recline the Merits Atlantis with the lever located on the side, similar to a recliner. For maximum frame stability and durability, the seat is mounted to the power base with 4 seat posts. The Atlantis electric wheelchair combines impressive power and stability with an extraordinary carrying compacity.

Learn more about the Atlantis Heavy Duty Power Wheelchair and get yours here.



Jazzy 1450 Bariatric Electric Wheelchair

Part of the Jazzy Power Chairs line by Pride Mobility, the Jazzy 1450 Bariatric power wheelchair is a top-of-the-line bariatric power wheelchair from one of the most trusted brands in the industry and is an FDA-approved Class II Medical device. The front-wheel drive configuration is great for handling obstacles and combined with the Jazzy 1450’s full suspension gives the user a smooth ride. The Jazzy 1450 Bariatric Power Chair boasts an impressive 600-pound maximum weight capacity with an extra-wide, high-back captain’s seat. In addition to the high weight capacity and comfortable seating, the Jazzy 1450 power wheelchair is highly maneuverable and easily navigates indoor spaces. 14-inch solid drive wheels and two powerful front-wheel drive motors will let you take the Jazzy 1450 power chair offroad through various terrains. Available in Candy Apple Red and Viper, the Jazzy 1450 Bariatric Electric Wheelchair combines performance, comfort, and style in one hard-to-beat package.

Learn more about the Jazzy 1450 Bariatric Power Wheelchair and get yours here.



Jazzy 614 HD Heavy Duty Power Wheelchair

The Jazzy 614 HD Power Chair has great all-around performance capabilities, a 450-pound weight capacity and can travel up to 11 miles on a single charge. The natural stability of having a mid-wheel design is further enhanced by Pride Mobility’s patented Mid-wheel 6® technology. Powerful dual in-line motors give the Jazzy 614 added torque, travel range, and overall performance. For greater performance over a variety of terrain, the Jazzy 614 Heavy Duty Power Wheelchair also features Pride Mobility’s patented Active-Trac® ATX Suspension. Each drive wheel has an independent suspension with dynamic spring-strut dampening systems to reduce vibration. All these features add up to give the Jazzy 614 HD Power Chair one of the smoothest rides on the market. Several extra-wide, high back seat options are available along with height adjustable flip-up armrests, lap belts up to 90 inches, multiple foot riggings, as well as a variety of convenient accessories. With its outstanding performance and maneuverability, the Jazzy 614 HD Heavy Duty Power Wheelchair makes an excellent choice for a bariatric power wheelchair.

Learn more about the Jazzy 614 HD Power Wheelchair and get yours here.


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